Exercise, Meal Planning

Half-Marathon Training - September Complete!


Well, I haven't posted in quite a while so I wanted to post a quick update. August was a great vacation month of travel, food and wine. I even did my first portage trip at Algonquin National Park here in Ontario. Great times!

I came back from a pretty lax August, to a very intense September. We've had big changes at work that always seems to stress everybody out (even though we're fairly protected, and heavily unionized). I still have a job - booya! I started my training for the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon in the first week of September. I didn't realize how intense it was until I was a week or so into it. I have had very little time to post, so I'm trying to make an effort today to do so.


For the training I started eating 6 small meals a day. Running almost every day really prevents me from having the giant meals I enjoyed in August. It's a weird transition; it almost feels like too much food but it's in such small quantities that it isn't. Constantly eating fools my stomach into thinking it's full. I like this alot, and so does my stomach when I head out for the 5am runs in the morning. It does require quite a bit of meal prep because 4 of the meals are while I'm at work.


I'll just put my September calendar below. The workouts I'm doing are a stark contrast from my last routine. I'm focusing on the running, and thus I'm just trying to maintain muscle, and keep strong the ones I need to run properly. I'm still very sore  - especially after the long run Sundays. I'm used to running 5-10kms, so it's quite an adjustment. You might laugh at the calendar - but this is something I need to make sure I actually do it. Now do you see to correlation to making the log books? Comments always appreciated!


Hilarious sprints-day GPS map (below)

Photo 9-19-2013, 9 26 48 AM

Enjoy some August photos below - and guess what I made 56 bottles of? So good!


Photo 8-14-2013, 12 20 56 AMPhoto 8-14-2013, 10 46 37 AM

Photo 8-17-2013, 9 31 24 AMPhoto 8-15-2013, 2 15 06 PM

Algonquin & Cottage Weekend:

Photo 8-31-2013, 8 01 59 PMDSC00053Photo 8-10-2013, 5 19 00 PM

Wine Making:

Photo 8-27-2013, 4 48 19 PMPhoto 8-27-2013, 5 30 09 PMPhoto 8-27-2013, 7 45 21 PM